Legal TerminologyThis is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in business law. More than 1,500 legal terms in context, with extensive practice Lively and easy to read, Legal Terminology introduces students to more than 1,500 legal terms, contextualized within the legal field. Styled like a workbook, the text promotes active learning through a concise, engaging presentation of narratives, definitions, study aids, and application activities. The 7th edition has been revised to improve accuracy and currency. It includes a new chapter on the Uniform Commercial Code, new material on e-Contracts and cyber law, and new features demonstrating the practical application of legal terms. ISBN: 9780134849225, 0134849221
Legal Terminology 7th Edition Ebook (
Kent Kauffman; Gordon W. Brown
Category: 2018